Sunprowler’s Whitebeards, Eradication Pack

Sunprowler’s Whitebeards, Eradication Pack

In GDF, outside of the Heroes/Characters, this Eradication Pack and the Aggressor Pack are the only infantry unit that has models with multiple Wounds (the Tough 3, as seen in the stat-block at the bottom) by default. I have used the points calculator to enhance my Blade Guard to also have Tough 3, but they don't come like that in the default Army Forge army builder.

Just as in 40k, the purpose of this unit is to bust vehicles and other high-Tough (i.e. multiple-Wound) models.  With AP 4, enemy units can only ever save on a roll of 6+ (which always succeeds, regardless of modifiers).  With perfect rolls, and poor save rolls for the enemy, Sunprowler's Whitebeards can cause as much as 12 Wounds per turn of shooting.

Outside of their effectiveness, this Pack is simply a great looking unit, and I look forward to making use of them in all of my GDF games.


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