Halfdan the Black, Wolf Priest assigned to The Blackmanes
Halfdan the Black, Wolf Priest assigned to the Blackmanes
Based on the character from the 1989 movie, 'Erik the Viking,' starring Tim Robbins, I have always ran a Wolf Priest named Halfdan the Black (John Cleese's character). Halfdan has taken many forms over the years - in 2nd Edition he was a Wolf Priest in Terminator Armour on a Bike (one of the least crazy things you could do back then). In 3rd Edition until now, he has taken the form of the Limited Edition 2003 Games Day Wolf Priest model. Now, however, he's back on a Bike, although this time in Primaris form, and without the Terminator Armour.
For GDF games, Halfdan the Black will attach to my unit of Wulfen. This works extremely well from a narrative standpoint, with Wolf Priests traditionally taking on the role of Wulfen shepherds in the old 13th Company army list of the Eye of Terror campaign. It also works well from a GDF gaming standpoint, as both units have the 'Fast' ability, so they'll be moving at the same rate, with 8" Advance moves and 16" Charge moves. Additionally, I have given Halfdan the Holy Chalice ability, which we can think of in 40k Space Wolves terms as 'Healing Potions and Balms.' Effectively, this upgrade gives himself and unit that he is attached to the 'Regeneration' ability, which works exactly like a 5+ Feel No Pain. Since the Wulfen Pack already have Regeneration inherently, this additional "stack" of the ability will grant them a 4+ roll to ignore any Wounds that get through their Defense rolls (e.g. Armor Saves). Additionally, the Chalice grants himself and his unit +1 to their Hit rolls in close combat, so they'll all be hitting on 2+ in melee, making them quite dangerous in any assault.
For weapons, I've given him an Auto-Rifle, because it will mesh well with the Twin Auto-Rifle that comes on the Bike. In GDF a model can shoot with all of the ranged weapons they are armed with, or attack in close combat with all of the melee weapons that they're equipped with, so it made sense to me to arm him such that he'll have more of the same ranged attacks, if he is outside of charge range of a good target. For melee, I'm treating his Crozius Arcanum as an Energy Hammer, which is the same weapon that all of the Wulfen are armed with. With its 'Blast' special rule, an Energy Hammer is fantastic at clearing out hordes of enemy infantry.
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