Grey Hunter Packs
Graegor’s Battleborn, Thierulf Bloodhanded’s, Soergar's Swordkin, and Dolfen Wyrdbane's Grey Hunters Packs
These four Grey Hunters packs (regular Primaris Intercessor Squads in 40k) are a result of being held captive by 8th Edition's infamous double-Battalion, where you had to have 6 Troops choices in order to maximize those vital Command Points in every battle. If it weren't for that requirement, which is gone in 9th Edition, I wouldn't have had as many built and painted. Grey Hunters are supposed to make up the bulk of a Great Company, however, so at least I've got enough to fit the narrative. If I had it to do all over again, however, I probably would have gone with just two units of 5 models, rather than four.
In GDF, I've chosen Heavy Rifles for the point of AP, but might adjust after playing a bit to give them the Auto-Rifles instead (no AP, but an extra shot per weapon).
As in 40k, these units aren't particularly noteworthy in either melee or shooting in GDF, but are reasonably durable and are decent at camping on objectives. Out of all of my unit choices, however, these are the ones that can be dropped from a list first, as other more specialized units are probably more essential in winning matches.
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