Ashenbeard’s Wise Few, Aggressor Pack

Ashenbeard’s Wise Few, Aggressor Pack

My Aggressor Pack, known as Ashenbeard's Wise Few, is a simple unit that can be equally effective in both shooting and in close combat. For thematic purposes, I have had them marked with the colors of the Wolf Guard, as I view them as having an elite/veteran role in the army.

In GDF, outside of the Heroes/Characters, this Aggressor Pack and the Eradication Pack are the only infantry unit that has models with multiple Wounds (the Tough 3, as seen in the stat-block at the bottom) by default. I have used the points calculator to enhance my Blade Guard to also have Tough 3, but they don't come like that in the default Army Forge army builder.

Although I have not done it yet, I am strongly considering using the points calculator to give this unit the 'Ambush' special rule, which is the GDF version of Reserves. This would be a way to allow them to "teleport in," and fill a role similar to what Terminators fill in Firstborn 40k armies. If I go this route, Ashenbeard's Wise Few would be the only unit in my Blackmanes with the Ambush ability - so far I have none.


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